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Leonardo Delta

Leonardo Delta is an advanced TTCN-2 test suite comparison tool. It is designed to easily and efficiently compare two TTCN-2 test suite files in the MP format and present the comparison results in HTML reports. (screenshot)

The output is similar in appearance to the well known "track changes" in Microsoft Office. You can have a look at some sample reports here.

  • The overview part of the HTML output will contain hyper-links to jump to the single proforma.
  • The overview report presents the comparison results in 4 different categories:
    1. List of unique objects in the NEW file
    2. List of unique objects in the OLD file
    3. List of objects that are different in both, NEW and OLD, files
    4. List of objects that are the same in both, NEW and OLD, files

The reports of category 1, 2, and 3 will present differences in proformas or objects between the NEW and OLD file. These differences are highlighted with revision marks. The revision mark shows where a deletion or insertion has been made in comparison to the OLD file.

Leonardo Delta is most useful in a situation where you need to find out the changes between versions of a test specification and how they will impact on your implementation.

The reports are generated as HTML documents that can be distributed or published on your Intranet.


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